Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Profil dan Info FC Barcelona

Berhubung FC Barcelona salah satu tim faveritku, aku akan share sedikit tentang profil dan info FC. Barcelona. Barcelona adalah klub asal Spanyol yang merupakan salah satu klub terbaik Eropa. Dibawah kepelatihan Pep Guardioala, Barcelona menemukan kembali masa-masa emasnya dengan meraih banyak Trophy baik di liga domestik maupun kejuaran Klub se daratan Eropa atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Liga Champions Eropa. Barcelona terkenal...

Justin Bieber - Common Denominator

Common Denominator just a fraction of your love fills the air And I fall in love with you All over again, oh You're the light that feeds the sun In my world I'd face a thousand years of pain for my girl Out of all the things in life that i could fear The only thing that would hurt me, uh Is if you weren't here?, oh Chorus: I don't want to go back to just being one half of the equation do You understand what I'm sayin'? Girl, without you I'm lost Can't faces this compass at heart Between me and love, You're the common denominator oh,...

Train - Drive By

Drive By On the other side of a street I knew Stood a girl that looked like you I guess that's déjà vu I thought this can't be true 'Cause you moved to west LA Or New York or Santa Fe Or wherever to get away from me Oh but that one night Was more than just right I didn't leave you 'cause I was all through Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell Because I really fell for you Oh I swear to you I'll be there for you This is not a drive by Just a shy guy looking for a two-ply Hefty bag to hold my love When you move me everything is groovy They...

Ada Band - Karena Wanita (Ingin Dimengrti)

 Karena Wanita (Ingin Dimengerti)     Lekuk indah hadirkan pesona Kemuliaan bagi yang memandang Setiamu simbol keanggunan khas perawan yang... kau miliki Akulah pengagum ragamu Tak ingin kumenyakitimu Lindungi dari sengat dunia yang mengancam... nodai... sucinya lahirmu Chorus: Karena wanita ingin dimengerti Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung Karena wanita ingin dimengerti Manjakan dia... dengan kasih sayang Ingin kuajak engkau menari Bermandi hangat cahaya bulan Sebagai tanda kebahagiaan Bagi semesta cinta kita Chorus Bintang...